Sunday, April 11, 2010

Changing Directions

After this weekend's incredible conference on emerging Christianity (sponsored by the CAC), I'm going to try and take this blog in a slightly different direction. Which shouldn't be difficult, given the fact that I've only been updating once a month. I'll still try and talk about interesting intersections of pop culture and Christianity, but I'm also going to start posting some of my sermons and papers for my brothers and sisters for whom Concord, NH is just too far to go. I'm hoping this will let me stay in touch with all the amazing people I'm encountering on this journey, and will also keep me on my toes in terms of my own theological development.

Everything I post does come from the heart, but that doesn't mean I don't want feedback. Even if you disagree - especially if you disagree - please drop a comment or an observation. That's what helps me grow. Of course, if you have an encouraging word, I'll take that too.
