Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pop Culture Pastor Presents...

Welcome to the Pop Culture Pastor blog...a place where, I, your pop culture pastor, will present various phenomena from U.S. American pop culture for your edification, pondering and heated discussion. I'm always open to new ideas, so if there's something you'd like talked about, just hit me up.

A few things to note:

- I will be dealing with mature material, so be forewarned - this will probably get R-rated. My taste in films tends towards horror and quirky humor, not romantic comedies and family films.

- If you decide to comment, and it's hateful or just rude, I reserve the right to delete it. This is a place for open, honest discussion and exploration of the places where pop culture meets theology, not a place for screaming matches across the vast expanse of the interweb.

- I am a pastor working in a United Methodist church; my particular theological framework is primarily Christian. Therefore I'll be reflecting on things from a decidedly Christian perspective. That doesn't mean that other spiritual or religious traditions are unwelcome. But Christianity is the language I speak best, so it's the one I'll use the most.

That's all I can think of for now, but there will be more to come soon enough. Enjoy!



  1. hey ive seen some of the videos you've uploaded on youtube. i like what i see and i believe that people need to be more open to the fact that not everyone they like represents something good. i was actually watching kerli's video and.... well its complicated i wont go into further detail but a while back i felt like there was just something off about her. i am a christian myself. so i saw your video as one of the links. after i watched the one on kerli i was really interested in who else might be involved in this. now i was wondering if you can send me all of the videos of either bands, singers, rappers w/e to my facebook. my name is Christian Sammy and i would really like to go more in depth in this topic with you. Thank you for reading this.

  2. Just a note to say I don't think this is the PopCulturePastor on YouTube. It's a guy called Doug there. I was searching for Him and came across this blog. Good blog though!
    God Bless.

  3. Help. Do you have any ideas on any metal/rock music that I could listen to that would not bear a satanic emblem. Send any suggestions and/or comments to http://theintellectblog.blogspot.com/.

  4. This is great my friend. You have a gift and the veil has been lifted. I have been seeing symbolism everyplace. The Kardashians are dripping with it on their show. Masons/Satanists. Hollywood is a witchy town. I believe in the mystical body of Christ but you are also exposing the mystical body of Satan.

  5. your'e so fucking paranoid. lyrics in music ain't ment to be taken litterally. when i said this to the popculturepstor on YouTube he blocket med from his vids and channel..i got the right to say my meaning! the music industry is not brainwashing people, the church is brainwashing people! IRON MAIDEN IS NOT SATANIC! IRON MAIDEN IS MY FUCKING RELIGION!!

    1. pour guy!!!So you think Iron Maiden are not satanic.Then tell why they made a movie called my chemical wedding in honour of Aleister Crowley the man who called himself the beast 666 on earth.

    2. Poor guy your ignorance has taken away your minor spelling abilities, get a chill pill and Google Chrome dude if one wont fix you the other will. to the guy who commented on the 30th of January

  6. are you the same person as the one on Youtube falsely condeming bands?

  7. i don't believe you are a actual pastor , sweet zombie...something seems strange and different about your so- called jesus ... i find myself wondering who has been whispering little thoughts into your ears...
